Is The NYX BB Cream Discontinued?

Is The NYX BB Cream Discontinued

Have you been facing trouble finding the NYX BB cream lately? Did it disappear from the beauty aisle of your local stores? You can’t seem to find it anywhere on the internet as well? Many users fell in love with…

Men’s Eyelashes Too Long: How to trim them?

Long eyelashes are commonly considered an attractive sign in men. Biologically, males tend to have smaller eyes. So, longer eyelashes help them to draw more attention to their eyes. But can men’s eyelashes be too long? Can it grow beyond…

Does Olaplex Cause Dandruff? Here’s The Truth

Olaplex created hype in the hair care market with several celebrity endorsements, and the strategy worked wonders. It’s one of the most sought-after products in the entire beauty industry. However, it also made the headline quite a few times for…